Thursday, January 3, 2019

Are you ready for the first class of the year? We are excited to get going again. We have found a new place to hold our classes due to the seasonal hours of our previous location. Plus #1 we won't be rushed out when they close Plus #2 you can bring your own food and drink if you'd like! Come join us!! If you want to avoid the fees of Eventbrite I do accept Venmo. Preview is linked to purchase your ticket to this event.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Getting back into the swing of things.

I have decided to take my art more seriously this coming year since doing watercolor paintings for my family for Christmas.  I haven't done much watercolor art but decided to do my projects with this medium because I had just purchased a watercolor set to play around with.  The further I got with my projects the more and more I thought to myself, "I should be doing this more!"

This one I did for my Daughter-in-Law.  She is a beautiful pianist and just graduated for BYU as a piano performance major.  The lid of the piano is the home where she grew up and where she spent a lot of her time playing the piano.  The background is a piano piece she has performed.

This one is for my first grandaughter's nursery.  She will be making her appearance in March.  Her nursery with be a woodland theme.

This is what I did for my, COWBOY, son.  I have always loved drawing quakie trees.  I love their stark black and white bark and the uniqueness of each one.  I even did his initials in one of the trees as though he carved it there years ago.

My daughter, love vintage things.  That is why I chose to do this old vintage typewriter.  It is also perfect for her because she is an excellent writer.  A talent I wish she would use more.  I chose the semi-colon, and quote because it has meaning to her as she has suffered from depression.

This is a painting for my oldest son of the Alhambra in Spain.  He served a two-year mission in Spain for our church and this was one of his favorite places.

And last but not least, here is the painting that I did for my husband.  He also served a mission for our church but he served in Hong Kong.  This one by far was the hardest and took me the longest to do.  It was the first one that I started with so I was learning as I went.